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Nice dancer 1.8 Ayo Dance
1) Extract to deskop
2) Put all the files into a new folder
3) Open setup, den open nicedance
4) U will hear some beepin sounds, open nicedance again
5) Click tim at bottom n select audi C:Program FilesAuditionSEAAuditionSEA
6) Sign in user: t1-200 (t1, t2, t3… t200) pass: 111 or 222 ; a1-a200 pass: 111
7) Tick the hack u wan n set delay to 50-70
8) Click start auto
9) Go in game n press the hotkey 4 the hack


z: auto arrow
F7: AUTO space (+ -)
F8: off auto space
F9: on Xperfect
F10: off Xperfect
F11: Show arrows
F12: off auto arrow

Jgn lupa checklist patcher jgn pilih server 1,2,3

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